  • +421907976444
  • office@keis.sk
  • Poľná 1, Košice, Slovakia

Zápis / Admissions

Vítame vás v prvej medzinárodnej anglickej škole a škôlke v Košiciach – KEIS.

Zápis do Medzinárodnej materskej, základnej školy a gymnázia – Košice International School, IB World School prebieha celoročne. Prosíme všetkých rodičov, ktorí sa zaujímajú o anglickú základnú školu, gymnázium alebo škôlku v Košiciach, aby vyplnili kontaktný formulár uvedený nižšie. Na základe vyplneného formulára Vás budeme kontaktovať aby sme si dohodli stretnutie, kde by sme Vám radi dali vedieť všetky detaily o škole a prijímacom procese.

Využite jedinečnú príležitosť zapísať vaše dieťa na KEIS a získať najvýhodnejšie školné po celé štúdium v príslušnom module. So štipendiom pre občanov SR za materskú školu zaplatíte len 480eur/mes., pre 1.-6. ročník základnej školy 680eur/mes., 7.-9. ročník 780eur/mes., 10.-11. ročník (1.-2. ročník gymnázia) 880 eur/mes.

Všetky dôležité informácie o budúcnosti Vášho dieťaťa môžete prediskutovať s p. Blaasovou na 0907976444 alebo mailom na admissions@keis.sk aj v slovenskom jazyku.

Welcome to the first international IB school in Kosice – KEIS.

Admissions to Kosice International School – IB World School is possible around the year. We kindly ask all parents interested in KEIS primary school, middle school, secondary school or english kindergarten to pre-register using the form below. Based on the form we will contact you and arrange the meeting to give you the chance to get to know all the details about the school and admission procedures.

The whole admission process can be described in the following steps:

Step 1: express interest in the admissions process through the school website.

Step 2: The admissions department will be in contact and send application information.

Step 3: Submit a completed application form to admissions@keis.sk for consideration and pay the registration fee.

Step 4: visit pedagogical leadership to discuss the application.

Step 5: visit the school for a trial day. Students interested in KEIS secondary school (Grade 10/MYP4 and higher) will sit an English proficiency test during the day.

Step 6: notification of application status of admission.

Step 7: sign the educational agreement.

While intent on building an inclusive school environment, the middle school programme (Grade 7 and higher) at KEIS requires at least an intermediate level of English ability, as our curriculum is English-based. We also require a certain level of English in the last year of primary school (Grade 6). For admission to secondary school (Grade 10 and up), we ask potential students to take a test in English language proficiency. For secondary school admission, there are special admission procedures prescribed by Slovak law; we will be happy to explain. If you have questions about English levels or the admissions process in general, please contact admissions@keis.sk. 

Contact Mrs Blaasová at +421907976444 or email admissions@keis.sk for all relevant information about your child’s future.

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