  • +421907976444
  • office@keis.sk
  • Poľná 1, Košice, Slovakia

12 Grade Levels Open from Kindergarten to High School

At KEIS we provide quality international education from 3-16 years.


We provide full immersion into English for all kids from 3 years using International Baccalaureate Curriculum.

Najlepší štart do sveta angličtiny a bádania pre slovenské deti v jedinečnom prírodnom prostredí. Láskaví zahraniční a miestni učitelia.

Primary School

Excellent start to school with English native teachers and inquiry based IB Primary Years Programme. For all students 6-12 years.

Učíme deti učiť sa a mať radi školu so skúsenými zahraničnými učiteľmi. Diferencovaný prístup, ktorý funguje.

Middle&Secondary School

We use concept based programme for students 12-17 years. It is a challenging framework that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world.

Príprav sa na svetovú akademickú kariéru s overeným programom IB!

Welcome To Košice International School

Kosice International School (KEIS) is the answer to the high demand for a world-class, quality education for both Slovak and Expatriate families living in Eastern Slovakia. We bring to the greater Košice region a globally recognised international curriculum provided by experienced International teachers. Choose the best future for your child at KEIS!

Children Innovating the Future

Košice International School (KEIS) aims to provide a challenging, world-class, 21st-century international education. KEIS is fully authorised for the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP), Candidate school for the Middle Years Programme (MYP)* and is part of IB World Schools community in PYP. The school is also fully accredited by Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Sport of Slovak Republic to provide education in the international programmes in English.

Košice International School is a candidate school* for the MYP. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. IB World Schools
share a common philosophy- a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education- that we believe is important for our students.
* Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the
Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme (DP), or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee
that authorization will be granted.
For further information about the IB and its programmes visit http://www.ibo.org.

School Newsletter

What’s New at KEIS?

Contact Us!


    Book Your Visit

    We are sure you could have many questions about Kosice International School, the way we teach, how we support local slovak students or how the school fits to your child needs.

    Based on current pandemic rules you will also be able to experience our modern style education and state-of-art premises live!

    We will be happy to contact you back, organise the tour around our school, admission appointment, online meeting or even a trial day for your child.

    Welcome to KEIS!


    Explore Kosice International School


    Students in ELBA Group


    ELBA Group Schools in Slovakia


    IB Students Worldwide


    IB World Schools

    KESI School Fees

    Školné so štipendiom pre slovenské rodiny!


    • Školné so štipendiom pre rodiny, kde je aspoň jeden z rodičov alebo dieťa má občianstvo SR.

    Primary School (6y-12y)

    • Školné so štipendiom pre rodiny, kde je aspoň jeden z rodičov alebo dieťa má občianstvo SR.

    Middle School (12y-16y)

    • Školné so štipendiom pre rodiny, kde je aspoň jeden z rodičov alebo dieťa má občianstvo SR.
    Our Inquiry Education Experts

    Meet KEIS Star Team!


    KEIS Parents Review


    School News