  • +421907976444
  • office@keis.sk
  • Poľná 1, Košice, Slovakia

COVID-19 Opening Precautions at KEIS

Dear Parents, As we are about to start our first school year together on 2 September, it is important for the KEIS Learning Community to be fully aware of the latest COVID-19 national requirements for schools. For us to do our best to prevent and manage the possibilities of COVID-19, […]

Open Day at KEIS!

Come to visit us in our new modern premises at Poľná St. 1, Košice/Košická Nová Ves. Experience modern pedagogy, our passionate teachers, latest educational technology and have some fun with your kids, too. We will answer all questions about school operation, our international curriculum, differences to “standard” schools and many […]

U.S. Ambassador Brink Visited KEIS

This week we had the honour to host U.S. Ambassador to Slovakia Her Excellence Ms. Brink in new premises of Kosice International School at Polna St. After brief tour around the school including media and library centre, our modern classrooms and cafeteria we had the chance to answer many well […]

PYP Teacher Update 3

KEIS is proud to announce another new PYP Teacher, Ms Libuša Silva-Sabolová. She will be joining us at the end of August, ready for our first day of school on 2nd September. She is acting as our PYP Slovak: Language and Art teacher for the school. Here is a short […]

Príprava školy finišuje

V týchto dňoch sa u nás na škole dvere nezastavia, dodávatelia privážajú nábytok, IT vybavenie, učebné pomôcky zo zahraničia aj Slovenska, získali sme optické internetové pripojenie, ukladá sa podlahová krytina a čakáme aj vzácnu zahraničnú návštevu o ktorej budeme ešte určite informovať. Na obrázku je sedenie pre našich mladších žiakov […]