  • +421907976444
  • office@keis.sk
  • Poľná 1, Košice, Slovakia

First PYP Exhibitions at KEIS

Our oldest students from PYP3 classroom had chance to show how their progressed according to IB Learner Profile during their studies in Primary Years Programme at KEIS First PYP Exhibitions. Based on central idea Local Issues Matter to Us they chose important topics to explore and present like Food Waste, […]

Student-Led Conferences 2022

Education leaders want students to have more autonomy, from what they learn to how the classroom operates. With increasing recognition of the importance of transitioning students from school to the outside world, education leaders argue that ‘student agency must become the norm, not the exception. Student-Led conferences help students to […]

Outdoor Easter Activities at KEIS

First warmer days allowed us to move out from the classrooms and utilise picnic tables in our beautiful park. Everybody took part in typical Easter eggs decoration – we had also chance to learn some new and interesting techniques. No hand remained clean as you can see below, but we […]

KEIS Literacy Week 2022

We had an exciting week filled with reading books, creating poems, learning about famous writers, and exploring books in our KEIS library. We truly enjoyed having Mrs. Futova, famous kids books writer and learning more about book writing and the publishing process. Our students were real inquirers and asked many […]

Otvárame Middle School pre študentov 12+

Košice International School od septembra otvára Middle School pre deti od 12 rokov. Študovať na nej budú deti z prvého stupňa školy KEIS aj záujemcovia o prestup z akejkoľvek základnej školy. V anglickom jazyku pod vedením skúsených zahraničných učiteľov sa budú pripravovať na náročné maturitné štúdium, ktoré je predpokladom prijatia na mnohé svetové univerzity. […]

Daily life at KEIS

On group project activities, we learn how to communicate, be reflective and opened to different opinions. On first picture, PYP3 students prepare their storytelling project, on second one Grade 7 recording their podcast on migration.

Otvoríme medzinárodnú anglickú škôlku! KEIS International Kindergarten is here!

Tak je to tu! Po mesiacoch zvažovania, množstve rokovaní, veľa pozitívnej motivácie od rodičov aj okolia s radosťou oznamujeme, že od školského roka 2022/23 rozširujeme ponuku vzdelávania na Košice International School o materskú školu s vyučovaním v anglickom a slovenskom jazyku – KEIS International Kindergarten. Vďaka licencii medzinárodného programu International […]

World Teacher’s Day Award

Christina Teague – our Ms. Tina was awarded at World Teachers Day ceremony organised by ELBA School Group last week. Ms. Tina, KEIS homeroom teacher in PYP2 is always full of energy, real motivator and guide on her students learning journey. Congratulations and thank you so much!

First steps to coding with the help of Edison robots – video inside

Robots at KEIS School Assembly! Every week all our school meets at School Assembly to share their latest inquiry achievements. This time, our PYP3 students presented their first experience with programming using Edison educational robots http://www.meetedison.com to their schoolmates. Their goal was to collaboratively draw KEIS logo using robots instead […]