  • +421907976444
  • office@keis.sk
  • Poľná 1, Košice, Slovakia

First MYP Residential Field Trip – Minerals&Medieval Slovakia

The first residential field trip of MYP1-2 went to Central Slovakian Banská Štiavnica. We organised it to support the inquiry in current units in Science, Individuals&Societies and Slovak Language&Literature subjects. In 3 days, they had a chance to visit an old mine, experience mineral grinding, and broaden their knowledge from the Rocks&Minerals unit. Peers from the local English high school became guides to show KEIS students the beauty of this medieval city, and we also took part in a lesson on physics in their school. Ms Kelsey, Kosice International School Coordinator, gave a lecture about the USA to Slovak teenagers. At the local literature museum, they learned about the longest love poem, “Marina”, by the famous Slovak poet Sladkovic. Indian summer added to the excellent mood also during the hike to the mountains surrounding the city.