Here is a list of questions that you can answer with Yes, No or I don’t know:
Is the homework meaningful for your child?
Does your child see and know their purpose in the homework?
Is the homework part of what they are interested in?
Is the homework providing a range of skills, knowledge and actions?
Is the homework connected to the activities in class?
Can the child do the homework by themselves?
Does the child get to use technology at school?
Does the child have opportunities to communicate with other students in class?
Has the child collaborated in diverse student groups regularly?
Is there meaningful time allocated for the socio-emotional development of the child?
Has the child had enough play at school?
Is the homework catered for the child’s individual needs and abilities?
Is the child feeling supported at school?
Does the child’s parent(s) support the child at home?
Does the child’s parent(s) play with the child at home?
Does the child’s parent(s) learn with the child at home?
All of these questions influence children’s learning at home. Answering No and/or I don’t know to any of these may highlight an area where a piece of the problem lies. It is important to note that if they are playing sports, chatting or gaming online, there lies a wealth of untapped multiple intelligences, knowledge and skills the school and parent/s should be incorporating.
Modern schools adopt a new approach that gives homework a completely different meaning. Some modern schools:
To answer the question in the title, you can get their attention to homework more easily if there is a change in how homework is perceived and constructed in your educational institution.
Košice International School is the most modern school in Eastern Slovakia, delivering the most rigorous, challenging and appropriate education for the future leaders of tomorrow.
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